Please, check back to find out the status of our activities when the next storm comes through.
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Daily Mass will always occur as long as Father Sam can make it to the Church.
St. Mary's Church of Piscataway follows the same schedule of our school, which in turn, follows the inclement weather schedule of Prince George's County Public Schools.
When our School is opening 2 hours late our morning activities will also start 2 hours late (i.e. Money Counter Groups (10:00 a.m. for Group 1 and 11:00 a.m. for Group 2), Eucharistic Exposition (11:00 a.m. or 12 noon), and the Parish Office (10:00 a.m. or 11:00 a.m.). No Money Counters should come when snow or sleet happens during the morning hours, there is always the possibility of being stranded here overnight!
When our School is closing 2 hours early, our evening activites will not occur (i.e. Meetings, Adult Faith Formation, Choir Practice) Eucharistic Adoration will end and the Parish Office will close early).
When our School is closed for the day, everything else will also be closed.